1603 - 2003

casoli.org, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the "Fabbriceria"* (vestry-board) of the cathedral of Santa Reparata and the commencement and realization of the valuable ceiling, adorned with biblical scenes, enclosed in carved and gilded lacunars, carried out by the venetian artist Vittorio Buzzacarino,  


 L A U N C H E S 


a "WEB TRASURE-HUNT" for the search, all over the world, of the 50 and more tables belonging to the National Monument (Monumento Nazionale) which were removed in the post-war period during the restoration works in the church of Santa Reparata, and "mysteriously" disappeared.


casoli.org invites:

anyone who has seen or recognized one of the tables; who has photographic materials; who has documents concerning the works contracts performed in the church and/or can reveal, by written and/or oral witness, facts and events that date-back the time of the lacunar disappearence

   to report

into the specific Forum (by clickig on the link at the bottom of this page) or contact the webmaster ( info@casoli.org )  to send the docunentation which could be also useful for a virtual reconstruction of this masterpiece.

  E N T E R    T H E    F O R U M    >>


*Fabbriceria: in 1603, in Casoli, such a "Fabbriceria" (Vestry-board) was established; its aim was to bring to end the works, commenced in 1447, of  the church of Santa Reparata. The term "Fabbriceria" means a corporation, laical or religious, to which the administration of the goods belonging to one church were entrusted. The "Fabbriceria" had deputies who collected the offerings, in money or nature, made by the parishioners: they disposed of ready money to entrust works to builders, painters, gilders, carvers etc. At the same time the deputies controlled the fulfilment of the works.




Casoli,  October 8 2003